Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Australian Climate Affects Eyesight

By Jan Smith

Australia is a very bright land. Right now, it’s even brighter than usual for summer because we are in drought. It has been said to be the worst drought in 1000 years and I’m sure the man on the land is likely to agree with that statement.

But all this brightness has another downside. It affects eyesight. To understand more medical facts about eye health, it is recommended to hear all about it via a wide range of audio books that are now available on the subject.

Some of the more frequently seen eye problems by Australian Optometrists and Ophthalmologists (eye surgeons) are age related macular degeneration. Because so many of our farmers and graziers are older and as this is a disease that largely affects the older generation, our Farmers now also have to contend with this insidious eye disease. A Grazier is a man on the land who only runs sheep and no cattle. In today’s world of multi-skilling and value adding, there aren’t many Graziers left. Most Property Owners now have two or more streams of income.

But this doesn’t change the chance of becoming a victim to this eye disease largely caused by age and the sun’s radiation.

What happens to the eye is that the retina thickens and waste material can’t escape from the eye. Occasionally this causes blood vessels to form beneath the macular and as they are new and very thin, these new blood vessels will sometimes bleed into the eye causing further damage to the macula. The end result if left too long for treatment or never treated, is blindness.

However, if treated early, steps can be taken to improve the outcome considerably. From Huckleberry Finn to Hanoi ~ Audiobooks are here for you to Enjoy!


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